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Five Things Every Graduating Medical Student Should Know about PGY1!

Calling all graduating medical students! Have you heard the news? As of next year, you will need to complete one year of training in the Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1) Programme before selecting your preferred Residency. This is aimed at easing your transition from undergraduate medical education to PGY1 training year. Read on for five frequently asked questions about the PGY1 Programme.

Q1: "What documents do I need to submit when applying for the PGY1 Programme?"

When submitting your SingHealth PGY1 Programme Application Form, kindly ensure that you have attached the following documents:

  • CV
  • Latest official transcript
  • Optional documents: 
    • Letters of recommendation
    • Publications: A copy of the publisher article or titles of the article and journal
    • Abstracts and Letters of Acceptance

Submission is opened from 26 Oct 2018 to 3 Jan 2019.

If you have not received an application form, you can request a copy from your class representative(s). Alternatively, you can write in to the SingHealth PGY1 Programme at [email protected] to request for a copy of the form.

Q2: "Do I need to attach referral letters in my PGY1 application form?"

Referral letters or letters of recommendation would certainly help to boost your ranking when you are being considered for the PGY1 Programme. You are encouraged to attach up to three letters of recommendation in your application form.

Q3: "When do I know if I have been accepted into SingHealth PGY1, since the Ministry of Health only releases the first hospital posting results a few weeks before we start work?"

Once your school* releases your final examination results, you will receive an email from SingHealth PGY1 Programme if you have been accepted into the programme.

*Applicable to Duke-NUS Medical School, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine.

Q4: "Will my chances of getting into SingHealth Residency be higher if I am accepted into the SingHealth PGY1 Programme?"

A doctor from the SingHealth PGY1 Programme (as compared to one who is not from SingHealth) would generally have a better chance of getting into SingHealth Residency. However, the respective SingHealth Residency Programme Directors may prioritise certain aptitudes in his/her Residents, and this could influence their decision on whether to accept a candidate into a programme.

Q5: "How are House Officers (HOs) in the SingHealth PGY1 Programme trained?"

There are PGY1-focused lecture sessions in each department, and suturing workshops in the surgical rotations. There are also online modules to help you as a PGY1 during your course of work; these include online educational content for the Core Conditions and Core Procedures required of a PGY1.

Have More Questions in Mind?

Join us for the Graduating Medical Student Engagement Session on 23 November 2018 and speak to our Faculty and Residents to find out more about the PGY1 training experience and opportunities at SingHealth!

Date: 23 November 2018, Friday
Time: 6.30pm *Registration starts at 6.00pm.
Venue: Academia, Level 1, Auditorium (20 College Road, Singapore 169856)
*Click here for directions to Academia

Click here to RSVP by 16 November!
For enquiries, kindly email [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you!