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Programmes Overview

Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1)
All medical students in Singapore are required to complete one year of Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1) training at their preferred institution before embarking on their Residency journey. The SingHealth PGY1 Programme promises to provide a fulfilling learning experience that will ease the transition from undergraduate medical education to Residency with the aim to develop competent doctors. 

For more information on the PGY1 programme at SingHealth, click here.

Residency Training Programmes
Upon completion of the PGY1 training, trainees will be invited to choose their preferred sponsoring institution and Residency programme. SingHealth, as the largest Sponsoring Institution for Residency Training Programmes in Singapore, offers various Residency programmes to choose from. Some of the Residency training programmes are offered nationally as the Singapore Integrated Programme (SGIP) across the 3 clusters - SingHealth, National Healthcare Group (NHG) and National University Health System (NUHS). 

For more information on the SingHealth Residency programmes, click here
For more information on the Singapore Integrated Programmes, click here.

Medical Subspecialty Senior Residency Programmes
Residents who have completed the Internal Medicine Residency Programme may choose to advance their specialist trainings from a suite of Senior Residency medical subspecialty programmes.

For more information on the SingHealth Senior Residency programmes, click here

Clinician Scientist Residency Track
Residents at SingHealth have the opportunities to collaborate with established Clinician Scientist (CS) mentors and be at the forefront of biomedical research breakthroughs. For Residents with a passion for research, the SingHealth Clinician Scientist Residency track provides mentorship and structured research guidance, which nurture them into outstanding Clinician Scientists to advance tomorrow’s medicine.

Discover more about SingHealth Clinician Scientist Residency Track here

Residents as Future Teachers Programmes
At SingHealth, Residents learn from passionate Faculty who are willing to share their knowledge and thereby increase Residents’ zest for teaching. The series of Residents as Future Teachers (RaFT) programmes aims to build the capacities of our Residents and empower them to teach and inspire the next generation of healthcare professionals. 

Learn more about the RaFT programmes here

Leadership Programmes
More than just ensuring our Residents have the necessary clinical skills, SingHealth equips our Residents with leadership skills and knowledge with the aim to develop them into future-ready healthcare leaders. Find out more about our leadership programmes here