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Faculty Development 

SIMS values the importance of continuous learning and enhancing the skills of healthcare professionals to keep abreast with the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. The success of a simulation-based training programme lies in its curriculum and programme design, as well as the effective facilitation provided by educators.

At SIMS, we aim to empower educators to develop and enhance their essential skills in healthcare simulation. This can be facilitated through the planning of simulation-based programmes, designing scenarios, conducting clear briefings for participants, running immersive scenarios, and facilitating effective debriefings as well as maintaining an effective and affective learning environment. A combination of these factors would result in appropriate programmes, the improvements of which are then transferred to healthcare learners, thus leading to better patient safety and care.

Through a series of faculty development programmes, SIMS brings together interprofessional educators from different specialties and levels of proficiencies, and encourages peer-to-peer sharing of knowledge and best practices in healthcare simulation.

Signature Faculty Development Programmes

  • SIMS Simulation Educators Training (SIMS SET) 
    The SIMS Simulation Educators Training (SIMS SET) is a structured two-day workshop that trains healthcare educators to design, implement, and deliver high-quality, simulation-based programmes for learners.  Participants will understand the roles of a simulation instructor, familiarise themselves with cutting-edge technology used by SIMS, design and run various scenarios, and gain deeper insights on the correct usage of assessment and debriefing techniques.

    For more information on SIMS SET, click here.  

  • Optimising Learning with Task Trainers (OLTT)
    The Optimising Learning with Task Trainers (OLTT) workshop is a one-day workshop for clinical educators who teach procedural skills. Task trainers used in simulation-based clinical education range from simple bench models (e.g. suturing sets, intubation models) to complex models (e.g. computerised endoscopy units, animal and/or cadaveric models). Participants will be introduced to educational theories of skills development, and have opportunities to practise evidence-based skills teaching methods and design a simulation task-trainer-based skills-teaching programme that integrates with the overall curriculum.

    For more information on OLTT, click here.

  • Simulation Faculty Development Workshop (SFD)
    The Simulation Faculty Development (SFD) Workshop is a two-day workshop to train clinical faculty and educators to implement high-quality, simulation-based programmes for their learners. Participants will experience simulation-based learning as both participants and scenario designers. Learning objectives include instructional methodologies that are paired with lectures on developing a basic understanding of equipment selection, operations, and techniques.

    For more information on SFD, contact [email protected]

  • National Early Warning Score (NEWS) & Code Blue Drills (CBD) Facilitation Workshop
    The National Early Warning Score (NEWS) & Code Blue Drills (CBD) Facilitation Workshop aims to equip clinical faculty and educators with simulation concepts across introductory to intermediate levels. Participants will be taught how to plan, develop, and implement an effective simulation-based programme to train their learners for NEWS and CBD.

    For more information on NEWS and CBD, contact [email protected].