Serious Games
What Are Serious Games?
Serious games are games built for a purpose beyond entertainment, which can be applied for serious purposes to bring about learning and change. Defined as the intersection between learning, simulation, and gaming, serious games can utilise various gaming technologies to promote or assist in an individual's training or the advancement of an industry as a whole. Not only do serious games offer more interactive learning, they also harness the power of competition and create a sense of achievement to motivate participants to optimise their own performance.
Serious games usually utilise various emerging technologies, such as:
Serious Games in the SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC
With the aid of simulation and visualisation technologies, serious games are able to teach multidisciplinary healthcare professionals key procedural and cognitive skills in an engaging manner. Click here to read about how SGH’s Department of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine used serious games to teach neonatal resuscitation skills.
Collaborations to Advance Serious Games in Healthcare
To encourage the development and implementation of serious games in healthcare, SIMS collaborates with the Serious Games Association (SGA), a non-profit serious games and game technology society registered in Singapore, to equip healthcare professionals to apply gamification in healthcare.
Past collaborations with SGA include the SIMS Games Challenge 2019, a healthcare simulation serious game competition, which saw healthcare professionals submitting concepts and developing prototypes of simulation games. SIMS and SGA are also collaborating to organise RICH Games 2022, a first-of-its-kind Conference for the Southeast Asian region, which explores emerging solutions and innovations to advance healthcare education.
SIMS also partners with higher education institutions, such as Temasek Polytechnic (TP) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), conducting courses to prepare healthcare professionals for digital workplace transformation. The courses equip healthcare educators in Singapore with foundational principles in game design and the latest insights on technological innovations. Click here to find out more about the latest dates of the courses.
Here are some ways to start developing your own serious game for healthcare:
Useful Resources on Serious Games:
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