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Advanced Critical and Emergency Procedures Course (ACE-Pro course)

Procedural skills training have been made easier and safer with technology like digital imaging, 3 D computer reconstructions, videos, low and high fidelity simulators and virtual reality However, the use of cadavers continue to play a very important role in providing near realism to procedural skills training

The course aims to equip faculty with fundamental knowledge and skills in developing curriculum and running a procedural course using cadaveric specimens.

Course Objectives

  • Apply educational principles to develop a procedures course
  • Identify the clinical procedures that would benefit from training with cadaveric specimens.
  • Demonstrate teaching with cadaveric specimens using educational principles.     
  • Discuss benefits and limitations of using cadaveric specimens.

Programme Overview

Lectures on educational methods for teaching procedural skills.

Practical hands on session using cadaveric specimens. Procedures to be covered include the following:

  • Intraosseous access for fluid resuscitation
  • Central line access
  • Surgical airway
  • Lateral canthotomy
  • Chest tube insertion
  • Pericardiocentesis
  • Emergency thoracotomy
  • Emergency caesarean section
  • Amputation

Target Audience

Emergency Medicine faculty who would like to teach procedural skills using cadavers.

Date & Time

Course dates to be confirmed, register your interest to receive updates


Course Fees (Excluding GST)

Fees to be confirmed


20 College Road, Singapore 169856 (Located in SGH Campus) 


To register, please email [email protected] 

In line with the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), please note that we have updated our SingHealth Data Protection Policy, a copy of which is available at Hard copies are also available on request.

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