Abstract Ref. No. | Title |
00014 | An Integrative Review to Understand and Identify Nurses' Knowledge and Awareness in Reducing the Initiation of Physical Restraints on Patients With Dementia. |
00036 | Silence of the Lambs - Exploring Feedback Seeking Behaviors of Residents in the OR |
00038 | Survey to Identify Research Interest, Barriers and Resources Needed for Singapore Anaesthesia Residents |
00052 | Evaluating the Impact of a Transfusion Practice Training Program Among Registered Nurses in a Tertiary Hospital |
00055 | Motivating Factors Influencing Career Choice Among Nursing Students in Singapore |
00056 | Learning Needs From Staffs on Management of Aggressive and Violent Patients in a Public General Hospital |
00061 | Healthcare Workers' Knowledge, Beliefs and Self-reported Practices of Hand Hygiene in Alexandra Hospital, Singapore |
00067 | Exploring the Newly Graduated Nurses' Experience of Preceptorship in a Tertiary Hospital of Singapore |
00068 | A High Fidelity Education Program to Improve SA Among Scrub Nurses in Fast Paced Ambulatory Setting: Serious Gaming Development Using a 3 Prong Approach |
00089 | Effects of an in-service Programme on Inpatient Nurses' Chest Drain Management Knowledge: A Randomized Control Trial Study. |
00107 | Encouraging Exclusive Breastfeeding for Babies on Hypoglycemia Pathway |
00108 | Strategies for Giving Feedback: Effectiveness of a Faculty Development Workshop Based on the Describe-explain-suggest-commitment (DESC) Model |
00122 | Insights From a Mandatory Geriatric Medicine Rotation for Medical Subspecialty Senior Residents in Singapore - Implementation and Residents' Perspectives |
00140 | The Program Evaluation of Graduates Towards Doctor of Medicine Students |
00147 | Adherence to Post Rapid Tranquillisation Monitoring in Changi General Hospital |
00148 | Innovative Interactive Exhibits at Lkc Medicine Anatomy Museum Arc Using Mobile Digital Technologies |
00149 | Effect of a Pharmacist Educational Intervention on Rapid Tranquillisation Medication Orders – A Pilot Study in a Public Hospital in Singapore |
00153 | Impact of Leadership Style of Nurse Managers on Nurses' Satisfaction and Turnover—An Integrative Review |
00158 | Assessing Healthcare Professionals' Knowledge on Emergency Airway Management for Patients After Total Laryngectomy. |
00171 | Mock Code in Clinical Area (Adult) |
00178 | Augmented Reality Anatomy: Exploring the Use of Augmented Reality in the Teaching of Anatomy in Medical Schools |
00186 | How Effective Has UCL MBBS Clinical Feedback Been in Supporting Its Student's Learning? |
00188 | Determining Nurses' Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in Their Care of Children With Cancer |
00191 | Near Peer Teaching of Physical Examination Skills: Benefits for Students and Near Peer Tutors |
00216 | HEADSS UP! An Evaluation of an Adolescent Simulated Patient Program to Teach Biopsychosocial Assessment |
00265 | Medical Social Workers (MSW) Working in a Specialised Women's and Children's Setting: Our Training Needs Assessment |
00267 | Learning Experience and Knowledge Retention Levels of Year 2 Diploma in Nursing Students From Lectures Delivered via a Learning Experience Design Approach at a Polytechnic in Singapore |
00276 | DESC Model for Giving Academic Feedback at Poster Presentations |
00283 | Effectiveness of Active Learning in Workplace Nursing Education |
00334 | Impact of Critical Appraisal Skills Workshop on Nurses' Knowledge, Attitude, Perceived Confidence and Intention |
00416 | One Size Does NOT Fit All: Qualitative Findings From Focus Group Discussions on Hand Hygiene Interventions in a Tertiary Hospital |
00448 | A Novel Application of Augmented Reality (AR) for Gamified Health Education to Facilitate Early Detection of Glaucoma, the "Silent Thief of Sight" |
00464 | Correlates of Medical Students' Stigma Toward Mental Illness: A Systematic Review |
00470 | Modified Positioning Technique for Oblique Foot Radiographs (Trauma Patients) |
00490 | End-of-life Care Training Using Blended Learning – A Practical Approach for Teaching at Nursing Homes |
00493 | Learning Needs Assessment of Nurses in a Nursing Home |
00514 | Evaluation of Mentorship Program in SingHealth Medical Residency Program - Mentees' Perspective |
00520 | Evaluation of Mentorship Program in SingHealth Medical Residency Program - Mentors' Perspective |
00556 | Stressors Encountered During Overnight Duties by Anaesthesiology Senior Residents Impedes Their Role as Teachers & Learners |
00558 | Mobile in Situ Code Simulation Improves Nurses' Resuscitation Performances and Confidence |
00566 | Research Outreach and Project Matching (ROPM) Programme to Support Undergraduate Research Among Medical Students at the National University of Singapore (NUS) |