






Speakers >
About the Speaker


Assoc Prof LAI Siang Hui


Senior Consultant, Department of Anatomical Pathology,

Singapore General Hospital

• Speaker, Healthcare Ethics and Medical Law Symposium (Part 1), 21 Sep 2018


Assoc Prof Lai Siang Hui is currently an Associate Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School and heavily involved in the curriculum, especially for the first year medical students. Assoc Prof Lai was also the pioneer Residency Director for Pathology at SingHealth and recently stepped down from this role. He continues to serve as the physician faculty in the programme. In these roles, he learned a lot about challenges in education and the challenges faced by learners. Assoc Prof Lai is working towards the goal of establishing a safe environment for learning, where every encounter is viewed as a potential learning experience, and the ultimate "no-blame, no-shame” environment for education.







