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Intermediate Care Area (ICA) Preparedness Training Course

The Intermediate Care Area (ICA) Preparedness Training Course is designed to equip nurses to manage patients with complex conditions. Intermediate Care Area nurses are highly skilled to recognise and make critical clinical decisions for patients who require urgent medical attention. This ability to perform close monitoring of changes in highly stressed situations demands complex assessments, understanding of the intensity of patient treatment and continuous vigilance. This course aims to provide the nurses in a short period of time with the knowledge and skills to deliver safe and holistic care that improve patients’ outcomes.

At the end of this course, participants will learn to:

  • Discuss the nursing management of patient with pneumonia, status asthmaticus and chronic obstructive lung diseases

  • Outline the haemodynamic assessment and monitoring of patient in ICA

  • Discuss the nursing management of patient with acute myocardial infarction and cardiac failure

  • Explain the basic principles in continuous ECG monitoring

  • Recognize the basic arrhythmias in ECG

  • Discuss the nursing management of shock, trauma, diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state and upper bleeding gastrointestinal tract

  • Discuss the nursing care of patient with access for renal therapies and device related infections

  • Explain the management of stroke, diabetic Insipidus, syndrome of inappropriate anti diuretic hormone and conscious level charting

  • Discuss the specific post-operative care of patient in ICA

  • Outline the pain management of patient in ICA

  • Discuss the nursing responsibility in the use of inotropic drugs and selective sedative drugs

  • Demonstrate the ability in:

    • Operating transport ventilator (Impact)

    • Management of central venous line

    • Management of arterial line

    • Management of patients with resuscitation

Target Audience

Registered Nurses with at least 2 years working experience.


28 to 30 May 2024


21 hours

Mode of Training

Classroom / Workshop


Alice Lee Institute of Advanced Nursing

20 College Road, Academia

Singapore 169856

Course Fee

Cost Components ​
​Course Fees
Nett Course Fee ( with GST)$370.60

*Course fee is subject to change.


Please contact for enquiries and registration.

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