Deputy Medical Director (Strategic Partnership) and Senior Consultant, Division of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS)
• Speaker,
Oncology, and Cancer and Stem Cell Biology Symposium, 17 Sep 2021
• Speaker,
Radiological Sciences and Surgery Symposium Symposium, 18 Sep 2021
Assoc Prof Toh Han Chong is Deputy Medical Director (Strategic Partnership) and Senior Consultant, Division of Medical Oncology at NCCS. He is also the Associate Professor at the Cancer and Stem Cell Biology Programme, Duke-NUS Medical School Singapore and adjunct PI at the Singapore Immunology Network. Assoc Prof Toh graduated from the University of London, United Kingdom (UK), with an Intercalated Bachelor of Science in ‘Infection and Immunity’ from St Mary’s Hospital Medical School and qualified as a medical doctor from University of Cambridge, UK.
Assoc Prof Toh obtained his Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians in 2003. He received his medical oncology fellowship training at the Singapore General Hospital, and at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. He then completed a research fellowship in cancer immunotherapy at the Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA.
Assoc Prof Toh received the National Outstanding Clinician Scientist Award in 2018. He has published over 100 peer-review journal articles and is founding chairman of the Singapore Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium and on the Cancer Immunotherapy faculty of the European Society of Medical Oncology.
His main interests are in cancer immunology, inflammation, immunotherapy and virus-driven cancers, especially liver cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer – from bench-to-bedside-to-bench.