The Congress has a really great atmosphere; there are plenty of speakers and a lot of good stuff going on, such as updates on simulations and learning, updates on education in the various fields, empowerment. All these are actually key topics and highly debatable issues in the field so far.









~ Mr Tay Yi Xiang 
Radiographer, Diagnostic Radiology, Singapore General Hospital



About >


Dear colleagues and friends,


Welcome to the 6th SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress taking place on the 17th and 18th September 2021.


Healthcare is an ever-evolving field and this year's Congress promises to give you an innovative overview of the latest developments and scientific advances in healthcare. Building on the success of the 2018 Congress, we are excited to present the 2021 Congress with the theme Revolutionising Medicine – The New Frontier. The theme brings about a strong emphasis on how we are changing the way we practise medicine, finding new treatments, and creating evidence-based medicine to advance patient care.


The two-day programme will offer delegates ample opportunities to be enriched with new solutions and ideas that are constantly evolving. Delegates may look forward to hearing from and meeting more than 170 distinguished local and international speakers across over 50 sessions on the most-discussed topics and issues in healthcare.  These include new and emerging digital strategies, artificial intelligence, global health, and ageing.


In addition, we are very pleased this year to have the various SingHealth Duke-NUS' Academic Clinical Programmes (ACPs) and Signature Research Programmes (SRPs) collaborate to organically develop sessions that are of interest to our constituents, and which range from basic research to clinical trials and best practices. Regardless of whether you are a clinical staff, educator, basic or translational scientist, we are confident that there will be a topic of interest for you at the Congress!


Finally, the Congress is an excellent opportunity for healthcare professionals to congregate, learn and showcase work done locally and globally in an environment that will enhance future collaborations. This year, the Congress is uniquely hosted on a new virtual platform that allows us to reimagine engagement and learning. Delegates can explore multiple key features of the Congress and connect with one another at only a click away. Over the two days, we hope that you will participate actively, ask questions, network, and meet new friends. You can also seek future collaborations as a speaker, abstract presenter or even as a participant.  So, please mark your calendars, submit your abstracts, and spread the good word!


We look forward to welcoming you at the SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress 2021 in Singapore!

Assoc Prof Aaron Wong Sung Lung

Co-organising Chairperson,   
SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress 2021

Head & Senior Consultant,
Department of Cardiology,
National Heart Centre Singapore


Assoc Prof Ong Sin Tiong

Co-organising Chairperson, 
SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress 2021

Associate Professor,                                       
Cancer and Stem Cell Biology Programme,
​Duke-NUS Medical School Singapore 



