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Simulation Publications 

A Pool of Resources and Expertise

A critical component to improving the outcomes of simulation-based eduation and training is through the research of its effectiveness in enhancing patient care. By embarking on research of simulation-based education and training, we are able to better design our curriculum and scenarios for optimum effectiveness in simulated settings. Research also allows us to evaluate the quality and impact of healthcare simulation education, which ultimately advances patient safety.

The SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre has a pool of educators who are passionate in simulation-based research. Here are their publications:

​S/N ​Title ​Author(s) ​Scholarly Platform
​1 ​Taking Serious Games Forward in Curriculum and Assessment: Starting Infusions Right Every TimeFatimah Lateef, Rong Ee Lim, Michelle Wan Yu Loh, Kelvin Yew Chuan Pang, Mark Wong, Lew Kai Xiong, Madhavi SuppiahJ Emerg Trauma Shock

Volume 14, Issue 4 (2021)

​2 ​'It's Going to Change the Way We Train': Qualitative Evaluation of a Transformative Faculty Development Workshop​Caroline Choo Phaik Ong, Yang Yann Foo, Fong Yee Chiu, Debra Nestel​Perspect Med Edu 2021
​3COVID-19 and Teams in the Virtual Space​Fatimah Lateef​Journal of MAR Case Reports Volume 3 Issue 6 (2021)
​4The Use of Micro-Debrief in Simulation-Based Learning for Medical Students​Fatimah Lateef​Volume 2, Edition 1, April 2021, Article 1015
​5Simulation Centres and Simulation-Based Education During the Time of COVID-19: A Multi-Centre Best Practice Position Paper by the World Academic Council of Emergency Medicine​Fatimah Lateef, Madhavi Suppiah, Shruti Chandra, Too Xin Yi, Willy Darmawan, Brad Peckler, Veronica Tucci, Alfredo Tirado, Lorraine Mendez, Lisa Moreno, Sagar GalwankarJ Emerg Trauma Shock 2021
​6The Standardised Patient in Asia: Are There Unique Considerations?​​Fatimah Lateef​American J Emerg Crit Care Med. 2020;3(1):031-035
​7The Evolving Demand for Negative Pressure Isolation Facilities During COVID-19: Trial of the Negative Pressure Isolation Tent​​Fatimah Lateef, Sunny Chia S H, Alan Teo H B, Tan Teck Choon​Auctores Publishing LLC Volume 1(2)-011 (2020)
​8Computer-Based Simulation and Online Teaching Netiquette in the Time of COVID-19​​​Fatimah Lateef​EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 4.8 (2020): 84 - 91
​9COVID-19:​ The Impetus to Migrate Face-to-Face ACLS to Hybrid-ACLS​Fatimah Lateef, Madhavi Suppiah, Tan Suan Kai​​Volume 3, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 16 - 24
​10Maximising Learning and Creativity: Understanding Psychological Safety in Simulation-Based Learning​​Fatimah Lateef​J Emerg Trauma Shock 2020;13:5:5-14​
​11Infection Control Measures, in situ Simulation, and Failure Modes and Effect Analysis to Fine-Tune Change Management During COVID-19​Fatimah Lateef, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, Lee Man Xin, S. Vimal Krishnan, A. Sanjan, Freston Marc Sirur, Jayaraj Mymbilly Balakrishnan, Rose V. Goncalves, Sagar Galwankar​J Emerg Trauma Shock 2020;13:239-45
12The 2019 WACEM Expert Document on Hybrid Simulation for Transforming Health-care Simulation Through "Mixing and Matching" ​Fatimah Lateef, Too Xin Yi​J Emerg Trauma Shock 2019;12:243-7
​13The 2019 WACEM Expert Document on the Framework for Setting Up a Simulation Centre​Fatimah Lateef, Shanqing Yin, Madhavi Suppiah​​J Emerg Trauma Shock 2019;12:232-42
​14Obstetric Anaesthesia Training: Facilitating Teaching and Learning. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care​Christopher W. Liu, Ban Leong Sng,  Ithnin Farida​Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2015, Pages 8 – 13. 
​15 ​​Reducing Ambulance Response Times Using Discrete Event Simulation​​Sean Shao Wei Lam, Zhong Cheng Zhang, Hong Choon Oh, Yih Ying Ng, Win Wah, Marcus Eng Hock Ong; & on behalf of the Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation Epidemiology (CARE) Study Group​Pages 207-216 | Published online: 17 Oct 2013
​16An End to “See One, Do One and Teach One” Residency Training Programme – Impact of the Training, Education, Surgical Accreditation and Assessment (TESA) Programme on Medical Care and Patients’ Safety​Tan TC, and Tan KTAnn Acad Med Singapore. 2007 Sep;36(9):756-9.