Scientific Programme




     Pre- and Post-Congress Workshops










Having a congress like this allows us to meet with different professions and interact around common topics and interests. It was very helpful for me to understand the challenges faced by my colleagues from other professions and disciplines. This gives us an opportunity to take a step back from clinical practice
and to interact, to be updated,
to reconnect and network.








~ Prof Julian Thumboo 
Director, SingHealth Health Services Research Centre


Programme >

Diabetes Symposium
Fighting Diabetes ‐ The SingHealth Duke‐NUS Way


 Track type: Symposium


 Duration: 90 minutes


 Location: Academia, Level 2, PSL2

Topic 1:

Transforming Diabetes Care in SingHealth 

Dr Bee Yong Mong

The Singapore Ministry of Health has recently declared war on diabetes. There is a rising prevalence of diabetes within the country and the disease is already costing the country more than $1 billion a year. There are many challenges for diabetes care in the current health system and there is a great need to change care paradigms to more patient-centric model of care.


Within SingHealth, our journey to transform diabetes care started in 2015 through the formation of the SingHealth Duke-NUS Diabetes Centre. This new model of care, organised around the patient’s medical condition, was adopted to bring about better outcomes for our patients. It involves a multi-disciplinary, multi-institution team of healthcare professionals providing the full care cycle for the patient’s condition. The Singapore General Hospital Diabetes and Metabolism Centre was also established in 2015 to serve as a one-stop outpatient centre for patients with diabetes. Thus bringing about greater convenience and better care experiences for our patients. Infrastructure aside, SingHealth is also taking the lead in implementing a slew of initiatives to battle the disease on all fronts.

Topic 2: 

Individualisation! – Key to Diabetes Medical Nutrition Therapy

Ms Kala Adaikan

The Government has launched a “war on diabetes”. Medical Nutrition Therapy is an integral part of overall diabetes management. Each person with diabetes should be actively engaged in nutrition education and self-management, which includes the collaborative development of an individualised eating plan. For many individuals with diabetes, the most challenging part of their diabetes treatment plan is deciding what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. Myths and misconceptions surrounding diet and diabetes often result in people making poor care decisions based on incorrect information.


There is not “a one-size-fits-all” approach or eating plan for individuals with diabetes. Nutrition therapy goals should be developed collaboratively with individuals with diabetes and be based on a thorough assessment and analysis of the individual’s current eating pattern, preferences, and metabolic goals and demands. Individualisation is key!


This session will look at current evidence-based diabetes Medical Nutrition Therapy goals and recommendations. 


Topic 3: 

Using Behavioural Economics to Improve Diabetes Prevention and Treatment

 Prof Eric Finkelstein

This presentation will provide an introduction and overview of the role of traditional and behavioural economics in preventing diabetes and other chronic diseases. The presentation will cover the theoretical motivation for why these strategies are likely to be effective, present results of a literature review on their effectiveness and results from Prof Finkelstein’s recent studies. The presentation will conclude with a discussion on how these strategies, combined with an increase in wearable technology, are likely to further promote healthy behaviours in the future.

Topic 4: 

Diabetic Retinopathy - Prevention is Better than Cure

Adj Assoc Prof Lee Shu Yen

Diabetic retinopathy is now one of the commonest causes of permanent blurring of vision, resulting in many with legal blindness. This is unfortunate as blindness due to diabetic retinopathy is preventable.

A multidisciplinary approach is integral in the care of these patients as diabetic retinopathy is the end result of poor glycaemic control. Annual retinal screening is important as all patients will develop some retinopathy after 20 years of diabetes mellitus, furthermore the patient will very likely be asymptomatic until the retinopathy has a reached an advanced stage. Patient education and treatment compliance is essential. This is because any form of treatment, whether with laser or anti-vascular endothelial growth factor intra-vitreal injections, for diabetic retinopathy is only to prevent further loss of vision, and surgery is really for salvaging of vision.


*Information is correct at time of update

