









The SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress is a good demonstration of our commitment towards Academic Medicine by showcasing success stories and examples of our collaborations. There has been an excellent spirit of collaboration as well as sharing of knowledge. We will bring back many opportunities to develop research ideas and collaborations moving forward.










~ Assoc Prof Marcus Ong
Senior Consultant, Department of Emergency Medicine, Singapore
General Hospital



Abstracts >
Thank you for your participation in the SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress 2016! We are pleased to share that we have received a total of 650 abstract submissions this year! Click here to view the winners of the abstract competition.

Abstract Categories

The organising committee cordially invites all healthcare professionals, researchers and students* to submit abstracts for the following categories:
1. Basic Science & Translational Research

2. Clinical Research
3. Education Research
4. Evidence-based Medicine
5. Health Services & Systems Research
 *Students affiliated with SingHealth institutions (e.g.medical students form Duke-NUS, NUS YLLSoM, LKCMedicine and nursing or allied health students from polytechnics) are encouraged to submit abstract in any of the above categories.
The Committee will review all abstracts and determine if shortlisted abstracts are for oral presentation or poster judging.
1. Best Oral Presentation and Poster Awards for each category
2. SingHealth Duke-NUS Young Scientist Award
3. Special awards for categories of Nursing, Allied Health Professionals and Students
Abstract Writing Workshop
Authors planning to submit an abstract may attend the Abstract Writing Workshop organised by SingHealth Academy. Click here for more information and registration details.

Key Dates for Abstract Submission


13 January 2016

Abstract Submission Open

8 July 2016

Abstract Submission Close

Early September 2016

Notification to Authors of Shortlisted Abstracts


Guidelines for Abstract Submission 


1. Abstracts must be submitted in English.

2. Abstracts' title should be concise and indicative of the content of the abstract.

3. Details of authors should be given in accordance to descending order of contribution (from most to least).

4. The presenting author must be indicated in the abstract submission form.

5. Each author is allowed to submit no more than TWO abstracts in each category.

6. Abstracts should be submitted before the submission deadline: 8 July 2016.

7. Fill in the appropriate sections (Aims, Methodology, Results and Conclusion) of the abstract and structure the text using the following headings:

     a. State Aim(s) of study
     b. State Method(s) and subject used, as relevant
     c. Summarise Result(s) obtained
     d. State Conclusion(s) reached
              * It is not satisfactory to state, "The result will be discussed."

8. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words.

9. The use of standard abbreviations is acceptable. Place special or unusual abbreviations in brackets after the full word the first time it appears.
    Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences.

10. The use of tables, graphs and other types of images in abstracts is not permitted.

11. Abstracts will be reproduced exactly as submitted.

12. Abstracts not adhering to the above will not be considered.


For enquiries on abstract submission, please contact the abstract secretariat at shsdn.scientificcongress@singhealth.com.sg.