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Message from Chair 

A/Prof Clement Yan

Chair, College of Allied Health
Senior Principal Physiotherapist
Sengkang General Hospital


Established since 2017, the College of Allied Health (CAH) aims to be the centre of excellence for quality Allied Health (AH) clinical education by promoting strong collaboration and synergy among the different AH professions. The core values of CAH include unity in diversity, collegiality and collaboration, academic leadership, lifelong learning and creativity.

In 2020, CAH introduced our new organisation structure, which comprises two main arms: Clinical Programmes, and Academic Support and Continuing Education. Under Clinical Programmes, Vice-Chairs have been appointed to oversee and develop the respective Allied Health specialisations such as Care and Social Sciences, Diagnostic and Laboratory Sciences, Radiation Sciences, Rehabilitation Sciences and Therapeutic Sciences. The Academic Support and Continuing Education arm supports the work of our Allied Health educators, by looking into curriculum development to ensure the robustness of our CAH programmes. Through this new structure, we hope to leverage on the diverse expertise of AH professions from across SingHealth, to achieve the common goal of making AH education the best in Singapore.

With the rapidly evolving healthcare scene, it is critical that our Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills to manage increasingly complex patients, while being future-ready and adaptable. 2020 has also been a watershed year for everyone globally with the COVID-19 pandemic, where many old norms were challenged and replaced. All the more, CAH’s top priority is the development of competent, compassionate and resilient AHPs, who are able to embrace new practices for the advancement of the Allied Health profession.

CAH will continue to advocate for the needs of the AH community, as well as to facilitate interprofessional education and collaborative practice for better patient care. We look forward to greater collaborations within SingHealth and beyond, in our journey to transform the delivery of care!