Programme Accreditation & Monitoring of Accredited Programmes
College of Allied Health (CAH) has accredited a wide range of training programmes aimed at equipping Allied Health professionals with competencies for their professional and career development. These programmes are subject to an independent and rigorous review process to ensure high quality and standards.
Training programmes are accredited under 3 tracks:
For further information on the accreditation review process for PQP/Residency Programmes, please click here to access the information pack (Intranet access required)
Estimated Duration for PQP/Residency Accreditation Review: 4-6 Months (Inclusive of approval by SHA EC, which meets every quarter)
Criteria for Certification
Professional Qualification Programmes
Allied Health Residency Programmes
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Estimated Duration for CPDP Accreditation Review: Up to 6 Weeks
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programmes
To apply for certification, individuals may submit the relevant supporting documents (e.g. attendance records, completion of assessments) to SingHealth College of Allied health (CAH) [email protected]
Validity of Accreditation & Re-accreditation of Programmes
Accredited programmes are valid for a period of 3 years and subject to re-accreditation to maintain the accreditation status (validity period will be extended to every 5 years upon successful re-accreditation).
For re-accreditation, Programme Directors (PDs) of accredited programmes will be notified in advance (up to 12 months prior to re-accreditation due date).
For an overview of the re-accreditation review process, please click here (Intranet access required)
Important Documents
Programme Application Packs(Intranet access required)
Programme Re-accreditation (Intranet Access Required)
This form is currently under maintenance. Please approach CAH Secretariat([email protected]) for further assistance.
Programme Changes/Updates
A programme amendment request is required to be made to CAH when there are significant changes that may affect the continuing accreditation of the programme, e.g., change in curriculum content, changes in programme director/faculty/trainers.
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