Hall of Fame
The AMEI Golden Apple Awards (GAA) recognise educational excellence among faculty and staff with an active teaching role in the SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC, honouring the best in healthcare education who have transformed teaching by engaging and inspiring learners. 2023 Winners
Outstanding Young Educator Award
The award recognises outstanding teaching potentials among young educators (below age of 40) in SingHealth and Duke-NUS across the various healthcare professions. The educator will demonstrate dedication and commitment to excellence in educating the next generation of healthcare professionals.
Asst Prof Crystal LimMaster Medical Social Worker, Singapore General Hospital
Dr Soong Jie LinSpecialist Pharmacist,Singapore General Hospital
Programme Excellence Award
The award uniquely recognises distinctive educational programmes in SingHealth and Duke-NUS Medical School across the various healthcare professions for applying best practices in education philosophies and following a scholarly approach. For the purpose of the award, programme excellence refers to the creation or improvement of a curriculum or pedagogy leading to high quality teaching and learning.
Team SpeakTM -Enhancing Psychological Safety and Speak Up Culture in the Academic Healthcare SystemSingHealth Institute for Patient Safety and Quality
(Top row, L - R) Ms Leila Ilmami, SGH; Dr Alvin Chang Shang Ming, KKH; Dr Ho Le Onn, SGH; Ms Karen Perera, SGH(Bottom row, L - R) Dr Camilla Wong, Director Allied Health, SKH; Assoc Prof Ng Heng Joo, SGH; Prof Tan Kok Hian, KKH; Ms Pang Nguk Lan, KKH; Dr Chow Mun Hong, SHP(Not pictured) Ms Tian Yee Shin, SHHQ; Adj Assoc Prof Sabrina Koh Bee Leng, Sengkang General Hospital; Dr Lim Hwee Boon, SingHealth Polyclinics; Ms Tan Hwee Yuan, Sengkang General Hospital; Dr Yin Shan Qing, KK Women's and Children's Hospital; Ms Tang Joo Ying, SingHealth
To view past GAA winners, click here. For more information about the award nomination criteria, click here.
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SingHealth Associate in Education
The SingHealth Associate in Education (AIE) is an initiative by the SingHealth Education Office, whose aim is to spur junior educators on their journey towards becoming faculty members or clinician-educators. This award recognises healthcare educators across the various professions for their dedication in nurturing the future pipeline of healthcare professionals.
Below are our SingHealth Associate in Education FY2024 recipients:
Click here to view past AIE recipients. For more information on the nomination process, please contact [email protected].
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