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About the Speaker


Asst Prof LI Lingjun Queenie


Clinician Scientist, Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
KK Women's and Children's Hospital


• Speaker, Obstetrics and Gynecology Symposium, 21 Sep 2018


Asst Prof Li Lingjun Queenie’s research interests primarily lie in the application of retinal imaging as a potential biological marker to analyse and monitor structural and functional microcirculation, in relation to systemic conditions and disease outcomes related to pregnancy, childhood, auto-immune and infectious diseases. Her domain transcends and marries multiple disciplines – ophthalmology, epidemiology, genetics, gynaecology, paediatrics, immunology, computing among others, leading to her pivotal contributions in several national-scale clinical research studies (e.g. the Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) study, and the Strabismus, Amblyopia and Refractive Error Study in Singaporean Chinese Preschoolers (STARS) study) in partnership with national and international senior collaborators. 

In her young career, Asst Prof Queenie is already the Principal Investigator leading two highly competitive and prominent grants: CS-IRG New Investigator Grant and Transition Award from NMRC. Furthermore, she is the co-investigator/collaborator of major grants, such as the STaR Investigator Award project spearheaded by Prof Salvotore Albani of the SingHealth Translational Immunology and Inflammation Centre (STIIC) and the TCR grant led by Assoc Prof Jerry Chan from KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Translating research from bench to bedside, Dr Queenie is also actively engaged in the development and clinical validation of novel retinal image analysis technologies, through the joint collaboration between the Singapore Eye Research Institute and the School of Computing of the National University of Singapore (NUS).







