Scientific Programme



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I think this Congress is unique in
the sense that you get to hear
so many people here in this Academic Medical Centre. It
brings everybody together under
the same umbrella, the roof of Academic Medicine.








~ Prof Victor Dzau 
President, National Academy of Medicine, USA


Programme >

Education Plenary II
The Complexity of Supporting Clinical Skills Development: Making Meaning of Theory for Educational Practice

 Track type: Plenary

Date: 22 Sep 2018


 Time: 1125 - 1210

Location: Academia, Level 2, Whitespace


Speaker: Prof Debra Nestel


Teaching and learning clinical skills is complex in many ways and for many reasons. This plenary focuses on clinical skills with a strong psychomotor component. However, skills are rarely required as a component but as a whole – embedded in clinical practice. I will explore contemporary educational approaches to psychomotor skills development. Although my focus is on the present, I will reflect on recent history before sharing best evidence that supports the development of psychomotor skills.

The origins of contemporary models will be considered briefly such as the 5-level Dave taxonomy with progressive stages of Imitation, Manipulation, Precision, Articulation, and Naturalization. I then move to the work of Sawyer et al who propose an evidence-based pedagogical framework for procedural skill training.

The 6-step pedagogical framework: Learn, See, Practice, Prove, Do, and Maintain will be illustrated. In the Prove phase, simulation is used by trainees to demonstrate competency prior to performing the procedure on a patient (Do). I will make reference to the research programme on simulation-based mastery learning led by McGaghie at Northwestern and the popularised theoretical notion of deliberate practice (Ericsson, 2015). Finally, I’ll offer some ideas from Nicholls et al (2014) considering ‘complex’ procedures.

*Information is correct at time of update

